Don't miss out on your chance to ALSO get your 
Dreams Toolkit!
This kit contains NEED to KNOW foundations for 
  • How to Increase Your Dream Recall! ($100 Value)
    Have you ever felt that you didn’t dream because you don’t remember your dreams? Or maybe you only remember parts of your dreams but would like to remember everything you dreamed? In this session, we share practical tips in how to increase your dream recall. 
  • How to Record Your Dreams! ($100 Value!)
                An essential step in stewarding the messages God is giving you in your dreams is having a system to record and track them. In this session, we share some proven techniques and tips for how to consistently capture, catalog, and evaluate your dreams.
  • ​Encounter Dreams Part 1&2 VideoS ($100 Value!)                                                                                                                             
    Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid and alive that you thought it actually happened? In this two part video series, we share how to recognize if you’ve experienced an encounter with Jesus, Heaven or angels through a dream.
  • ​What Do I Do With My Dream? ($200 Value!)                                                                                                                                                 
    A Biblical Framework to effectively Respond to your dreams. “Now that I understand my dream, what do I do with this interpretation?” This is one of the most frequently asked questions people have after they learn how to understand their dreams. People often get stuck because they do not know how to respond to their dreams and their meanings. Hany will teach the Biblical framework he uses for his personal life, businesses, national leaders and movements.
Don't miss another message from God that could contain the answer you've been needing OR a message to avert a crisis and so much more! What is the cost of missing an opportunity, guidance for a business deal, healing in relationships...WAY more than $500...

But my team and I felt that, in this challenging season, it is important for as many people as possible to make progress in understanding what God is saying to them. So we are making the DREAMS TOOLKIT available for just $27!
You want to go even deeper into understanding your dreams. Faster. 
This is your chance!

Don't miss this MUST HAVE, GO-TO basics for every Dreamer.

Start interpreting your dreams with a firm foundation, ready to accelerate your understanding, growth and launch into the abundant life you were made for. 

Taking the Dreams Master Class for me was a step of faith. I did not remember my dreams often before I started the course. The number of dreams I remember started to increase significantly a few weeks after starting the course. The Dreams MasterClass teachings on the ancient Hebrew method of dream interpretation have opened a new dimension of communicating with the Divine for me and I am grateful for this course and the team to make the Dreams Master Class available online.

Andrea K

I like the way the Dreams MasterClass teaches the art of interpreting dreams - as an art and not just lists of symbols. They teach it as a language, the same language God uses when He gives us prophetic pictures. I also appreciate how systematic the lessons are. The dreams method really helps me to understand the dreams, since it uses lots of examples of dreams, and provides coaching and feedback. Plus the on-line community where we can practice, interpreting each others' dreams is…WOW…such a blessing! I highly recommend this training!

Zora H

The dreams Masterclass has empowered me to understand the ways of God better. I have had the opportunity to be exposed to principles which enable me to have a deeper understanding of how God communicates in dreams. The Masterclass has also given me a community of like-minded people to grow with. It's been a tremendous resource and differentiator for me. I would highly recommend this to anyone ready for the next level.

Daniel O

I was adrift, with no idea of where I wanted to go, or who I really wanted to be. [Understanding my dreams] has started me on a transformational journey. All of a sudden I have a new sense of purpose, a new vision, and a new destiny that is so much bigger than I ever would have thought of for myself! 

Steve B
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